Safeguarding at Waynflete Infants’ School in Brackley

Welcome to Salus Training: National Provider of Care Training – Safeguarding Children at Risk Course

At Salus Training, we prioritize the safety and well-being of children at risk in care settings. Our Safeguarding Children at Risk Course is meticulously designed to equip caregivers with the knowledge, skills, and best practices necessary to identify, prevent, and respond to safeguarding concerns effectively.

Testemonial – Great few hours’ training with Terry, my staff thoroughly enjoyed the training, terry had researched our area on child safety protocols with our local authority which was very diligent of him and very informative to our new staff. Margret – Devon

Why Safeguarding Children at Risk Training Matters:

Safeguarding children at risk is a critical responsibility in the care sector, where vulnerable children may be at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. By providing comprehensive training in safeguarding, caregivers can create safe and nurturing environments where children are protected from harm and can thrive. Our Safeguarding Children at Risk Course empowers caregivers to recognize signs of abuse or neglect and take appropriate action to safeguard children’s rights and well-being.

Our Safeguarding Children at Risk Course:

Our comprehensive course covers essential topics to help caregivers understand the principles of safeguarding children at risk and implement best practices in the care environment. The course is accredited and recognised by CQC and local authorities and CIW Wales.

 Participants will learn:

Customized Training Solutions:

We understand that every care setting is unique, which is why our Safeguarding Children at Risk Course can be customized to address the specific needs and challenges of your organization. Whether you work in a residential care home, childcare facility, educational setting, or community-based care program, our experienced trainers will work with you to develop a training solution that aligns with your goals and priorities.

Join Us in Promoting Safety and Well-being:

At Salus Training, we are committed to empowering caregivers with the knowledge and skills they need to safeguard children at risk effectively. Our Safeguarding Children at Risk Course is designed to meet the highest standards of quality and relevance in safeguarding education.

Join us at Salus Training and take the first step towards enhancing your understanding of safeguarding children at risk in the care sector. Contact us today to learn more about our training programs and how we can support your organization in promoting safety, dignity, and respect for all children.