Infection, Prevention and Control - Decorum Aesthetics

Infection Control

Welcome to Salus Training: A National Care Training Provider: Infection Control Course for Care Professionals

At Salus Training, we understand the critical importance of infection control in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for both caregivers and those under their care. Our Infection Control Course is designed to provide caregivers with the knowledge, skills, and best practices necessary to prevent the spread of infections and ensure the well-being of all individuals in the care sector.

Testimonial: Thoroughly enjoyed the training – Mark — Farnham –

Why Infection Control Training Matters:

Infection control is a cornerstone of quality care delivery, particularly in environments where individuals may be vulnerable to infections due to age, illness, or other factors. Caregivers who are trained in infection control can help reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections, protect individuals from preventable illnesses, and promote overall health and well-being. Our Infection Control Course empowers caregivers to implement effective infection control measures and contribute to a safer and healthier care environment.

Our Infection Control Course:

Our comprehensive Infection Control Course covers essential topics to equip caregivers with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and manage infections in the care sector. The course is Accredited and recognised by CQC and Health Organisations.

Participants will learn:

Customized Training Solutions:

We understand that every care setting is unique, which is why our Infection Control Course can be customized to address the specific needs and challenges of your organization. Whether you work in a residential care home, nursing facility, home care setting, or community-based care program, our experienced trainers will work with you to develop a training solution that aligns with your goals and priorities.

Join Us in Promoting Health and Safety:

At Salus Training, we are committed to empowering caregivers with the knowledge and skills they need to provide safe and effective care in any situation. Our Infection Control Course is designed to meet the highest standards of quality and relevance in infection control.

Join us at Salus  Training and take the first step towards enhancing your understanding of infection control in the care sector. Contact us today to learn more about our training programs and how we can support your organization in promoting a safer and healthier care environment for all.